

class qbindiff.features.Address(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Address of the function as a feature


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Address of the function as a feature'

CLI help message

key: str = 'addr'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(_: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.DatName(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: InstructionFeatureExtractor

References to data in the instruction (as retrieved by the backend loader). This feature maps the data value to the number of reference occurences to it. It’s a superset of StrRef feature.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = "References to data in the instruction (as retrieved by the backend loader).\n    This feature maps the data value to the number of reference occurences to it.\n    It's a superset of StrRef (strref) feature."

CLI help message

key: str = 'dat'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_instruction(_: Program, instruction: Instruction, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering an instruction in the program. Classes inheriting have to implement this method.

  • program – program being visited

  • instruction – instruction being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.StrRef(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: InstructionFeatureExtractor

References to strings in the instruction. This feature maps the string to the number of occurences to it.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'References to strings in the instruction.\n    This feature maps the string to the number of occurences to it.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'strref'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_instruction(_: Program, instruction: Instruction, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering an instruction in the program. Classes inheriting have to implement this method.

  • program – program being visited

  • instruction – instruction being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.Constant(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: OperandFeatureExtractor

Numeric constant (32/64bits) in the instruction (not addresses). This maps numerical values to the number of occurences to it. It excludes the addresses (relies on IDA to discriminate them).


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Numeric constant (32/64bits) in the instruction (not addresses).\n    This maps numerical values to the number of occurences to it.\n    It excludes the addresses (relies on IDA to discriminate them).'

CLI help message

key: str = 'cst'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_operand(_: Program, operand: Operand, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering an operand in the program. Classes inheriting have to implement this method.

  • program – program being visited

  • operand – operand being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.FuncName(*args: Any, excluded_regex: Pattern[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Match the function names. Optionally the constructor takes a regular expression pattern to exclude function names

  • args – parameters of a feature extractor

  • excluded_regex – regex to apply in order to exclude names

  • kwargs – keyworded arguments

help_msg: str = 'Match the function names.\n    Optionally the constructor takes a regular expression pattern to exclude function names'

CLI help message

is_excluded(function: Function) bool[source]

Returns if the function should be excluded (and not considered) based on an optional regex


function – function to consider



key: str = 'fname'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(_: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.BBlockNb(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Number of basic blocks in the function as a feature.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Number of basic blocks in the function as a feature.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'bnb'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.JumpNb(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: InstructionFeatureExtractor

Number of jumps in the function. Requires INSTR_GROUP capability


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Number of jumps in the function.\n    Requires INSTR_GROUP capability'

CLI help message

key: str = 'jnb'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 2

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_instruction(program: Program, instruction: Instruction, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering an instruction in the program. Classes inheriting have to implement this method.

  • program – program being visited

  • instruction – instruction being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.MaxParentNb(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Maximum number of parent of a basic block in the function.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Maximum number of parent of a basic block in the function.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'maxp'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.MaxChildNb(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Maximum number of children of a basic block in the function.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Maximum number of children of a basic block in the function.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'maxc'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.MaxInsNB(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Max number of instructions per basic blocks in the function.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Max number of instructions per basic blocks in the function.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'maxins'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.MeanInsNB(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Mean number of instructions per basic blocks in the function.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Mean number of instructions per basic blocks in the function.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'meanins'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.InstNB(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Number of instructions in the function.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Number of instructions in the function.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'totins'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.GraphMeanDegree(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Mean degree of the function.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Mean degree of the function.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'Gmd'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.GraphDensity(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Density of the function flow graph (CFG).


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Density of the function flow graph (CFG).'

CLI help message

key: str = 'Gd'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.GraphNbComponents(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Number of components in the function (non-connected flow graphs). (This can happen in the way IDA disassemble functions)


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Number of components in the function (non-connected flow graphs).\n    (This can happen in the way IDA disassemble functions)'

CLI help message

key: str = 'Gnc'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.GraphDiameter(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Graph diameter of the function flow graph (CFG).


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Graph diameter of the function flow graph (CFG).'

CLI help message

key: str = 'Gdi'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.GraphTransitivity(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Transitivity of the function flow graph (CFG).


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Transitivity of the function flow graph (CFG).'

CLI help message

key: str = 'Gt'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.GraphCommunities(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Number of graph communities (Louvain modularity).


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Number of graph communities (Louvain modularity).'

CLI help message

key: str = 'Gcom'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.PcodeMnemonicSimple(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: InstructionFeatureExtractor

Pcode mnemonic feature. It extracts a dictionary with mnemonic as key and 1 as value.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Pcode mnemonic feature.\n    It extracts a dictionary with mnemonic as key and 1 as value.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'PM'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 1

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_instruction(program: Program, instruction: Instruction, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering an instruction in the program. Classes inheriting have to implement this method.

  • program – program being visited

  • instruction – instruction being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.MnemonicSimple(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: InstructionFeatureExtractor

Mnemonic feature. It extracts a dictionary with mnemonic as key and 1 as value.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Mnemonic feature.\n    It extracts a dictionary with mnemonic as key and 1 as value.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'M'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_instruction(program: Program, instruction: Instruction, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering an instruction in the program. Classes inheriting have to implement this method.

  • program – program being visited

  • instruction – instruction being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.MnemonicTyped(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: InstructionFeatureExtractor

Typed mnemonic feature. It extracts a dictionary where key is a combination of the mnemonic and the type of the operands. e.g I: immediate, R: Register, thus mov rax, 10, becomes MOVRI. Values of the dictionary is 1 if the typed mnemonic is present.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Typed mnemonic feature.\n    It extracts a dictionary where key is a combination of the mnemonic\n    and the type of the operands.\n    e.g I: immediate, R: Register, thus mov rax, 10, becomes MOVRI.\n    Values of the dictionary is 1 if the typed mnemonic is present.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'Mt'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_instruction(program: Program, instruction: Instruction, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering an instruction in the program. Classes inheriting have to implement this method.

  • program – program being visited

  • instruction – instruction being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.GroupsCategory(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: InstructionFeatureExtractor

Categorization of instructions feature. It can correspond to instructions subset (XMM, AES etc..), or more generic grouping like (arithmetic, comparisons etc..). Requires INSTR_GROUP capability. It relies on InstructionGroups for the different categories.


As of now there are not many categories. This might change in the future.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Categorization of instructions feature.\n    It can correspond to instructions subset (XMM, AES etc..),\n    or more generic grouping like (arithmetic, comparisons etc..).\n    Requires INSTR_GROUP capability.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'Gp'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 2

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_instruction(program: Program, instruction: Instruction, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering an instruction in the program. Classes inheriting have to implement this method.

  • program – program being visited

  • instruction – instruction being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.ChildNb(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Function children number. This feature extracts the number of functions called by the current one (in call graph).


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Function children number.\n    This feature extracts the number of functions called by the current one (in call graph).'

CLI help message

key: str = 'cnb'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.ParentNb(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Function parent number. This feature extracts the number of functions calling the current one (in call graph).


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Function parent number.\n    This feature extracts the number of functions calling the current one (in call graph).'

CLI help message

key: str = 'pnb'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.RelativeNb(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Function relatives number This feature counts both the number of parents and children of the current one (in call graph).


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Function relatives number\n    This feature counts both the number of parents and children of the current one (in call graph).'

CLI help message

key: str = 'rnb'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.LibName(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Library (internal) calls feature. This features computes a dictionary of library functions called as keys and the count as values. It relies on the backend loader to correctly identify a function as a library.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Library (internal) calls feature.\n    This features computes a dictionary of library functions called as keys and the count as values.\n    It relies on the backend loader to correctly identify a function as a library.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'lib'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.ImpName(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

External calls feature. It computes a dictionary of external functions called as keys and the count as values. External functions are functions imported dynamically.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'External calls feature.\n    It computes a dictionary of external functions called as keys and the count as values.\n    External functions are functions imported dynamically.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'imp'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.WeisfeilerLehman(*args, lsh: type[LSH] | None = None, max_passes: int = -1, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernel feature. It’s strongly suggested to use the cosine distance with this feature. Options: [‘max_passes’: int]

Extract a feature vector by using a custom defined node labeling scheme.

  • lsh – The Local Sensitive Hashing function to use. Must inherit from LSH. If None is specified then BOWLSH is used

  • max_passes – The maximum number of iterations allowed. If it is set to -1 then no limit is specified.

help_msg: str = "Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernel feature.\n    It's strongly suggested to use the cosine distance with this feature. Options: ['max_passes': int]"

CLI help message

key: str = 'wlgk'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector)[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.wlgk.BOWLSH(node: BasicBlock | None = None)[source]

Bases: LSH

Extract the bag-of-words representation of a block. The hashes are 4 bytes long.

add(lsh: LSH) None[source]

Add the hash lsh to the current hash

copy() BOWLSH[source]
class property hyperplanes

Generate the hyperplanes for the LSH. Each hyperplane is identified by its normal vector v from R^2000: v * x = 0 the dimension 2000 should be sufficient to characterize the basic asm blocks. Warning: this method will leak memory as the hyperplanes will never be deallocated.


class qbindiff.features.wlgk.LSH(node: BasicBlock)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class representing a Locality Sensitive Hashing function. It defines the interface to the function.

abstract add(lsh: LSH) None[source]

Add the hash lsh to the current hash


class qbindiff.features.StronglyConnectedComponents(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Number of strongly connected components in a function CFG.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Number of strongly connected components in a function CFG.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'scc'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.BytesHash(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Hash of the function, using the instructions sorted by addresses. The hashing function used is MD5.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Hash of the function, using the instructions sorted by addresses.\n    The hashing function used is MD5.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'bh'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.CyclomaticComplexity(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Cyclomatic complexity of the function CFG.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Cyclomatic complexity of the function CFG.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'cc'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.MDIndex(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

MD-Index of the function, based on https://www.sto.nato.int/publications/STO%20Meeting%20Proceedings/RTO-MP-IST-091/MP-IST-091-26.pdf. A slightly modified version of it: notice the topological sort is only available for DAG graphs (which may not always be the case)


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'MD-Index of the function, based on https://www.sto.nato.int/publications/STO%20Meeting%20Proceedings/RTO-MP-IST-091/MP-IST-091-26.pdf.\n    A slightly modified version of it: notice the topological sort is only available for\n    DAG graphs (which may not always be the case)'

CLI help message

key: str = 'mdidx'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.SmallPrimeNumbers(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: FunctionFeatureExtractor

Small-Prime-Number based on mnemonics, as defined in Bindiff. This hash is slightly different from the theoretical implementation. Modulo is made at each round, instead of doing it at the end.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Small-Prime-Number based on mnemonics, as defined in Bindiff \n    (see https://www.sto.nato.int/publications/STO%20Meeting%20Proceedings/RTO-MP-IST-091/MP-IST-091-26.pdf).\n    This hash is slightly different from the theoretical implementation. Modulo is made\n    at each round, instead of doing it at the end.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'spp'

feature name (short)

static primesbelow(n: int) list[int][source]

Utility function that returns a list of all the primes below n. This comes from Diaphora


n – integer n


list of prime integers below n

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_function(program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method.

  • program – Program being visited

  • function – Function object being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value.

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature


class qbindiff.features.ReadWriteAccess(weight: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: OperandFeatureExtractor

Number of memory access in the function. Both read and write.


weight – weight to apply to this feature

help_msg: str = 'Number of memory access in the function.\n    Both read and write.'

CLI help message

key: str = 'rwa'

feature name (short)

required_capabilities = 0

By default there are no required capabilities

visit_operand(program: Program, operand: Operand, collector: FeatureCollector) None[source]

Function being called by the visitor when encountering an operand in the program. Classes inheriting have to implement this method.

  • program – program being visited

  • operand – operand being visited

  • collector – collector in which to save the feature value

property weight: float

Weight applied to the feature