Source code for qbindiff.features.mnemonic

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"""Features releated to the mnemonic of the instruction

from collections import defaultdict

from qbindiff.features.extractor import InstructionFeatureExtractor, FeatureCollector
from qbindiff.loader import Program, Instruction
from qbindiff.loader.types import ProgramCapability

[docs] class PcodeMnemonicSimple(InstructionFeatureExtractor): """ Pcode mnemonic feature. It extracts a dictionary with mnemonic as key and 1 as value. """ key = "PM" required_capabilities = ProgramCapability.PCODE
[docs] def visit_instruction( self, program: Program, instruction: Instruction, collector: FeatureCollector ) -> None: pcode_count = defaultdict(int) pypcode_context = program.pypcode try: for pcode_ins in instruction.pcode_ops: pcode_count[str(pcode_ins.opcode).split(".")[-1]] += 1 except pypcode.pypcode_native.BadDataError: pcode_count = {} collector.add_dict_feature(self.key, pcode_count)
[docs] class MnemonicSimple(InstructionFeatureExtractor): """ Mnemonic feature. It extracts a dictionary with mnemonic as key and 1 as value. """ key = "M"
[docs] def visit_instruction( self, program: Program, instruction: Instruction, collector: FeatureCollector ) -> None: collector.add_dict_feature(self.key, {instruction.mnemonic: 1})
[docs] class MnemonicTyped(InstructionFeatureExtractor): """ Typed mnemonic feature. It extracts a dictionary where key is a combination of the mnemonic and the type of the operands. e.g I: immediate, R: Register, thus mov rax, 10, becomes MOVRI. Values of the dictionary is 1 if the typed mnemonic is present. """ key = "Mt"
[docs] def visit_instruction( self, program: Program, instruction: Instruction, collector: FeatureCollector ) -> None: mnemonic = instruction.mnemonic # keep the first letter of the type name as types # (ex : mov rsp, 8 will give movri (for register, immediate)) operands_types = "".join([[0] for op in instruction.operands]) key = mnemonic + operands_types collector.add_dict_feature(self.key, {key: 1})
[docs] class GroupsCategory(InstructionFeatureExtractor): """ Categorization of instructions feature. It can correspond to instructions subset (XMM, AES etc..), or more generic grouping like (arithmetic, comparisons etc..). Requires INSTR_GROUP capability. It relies on :py:class:`InstructionGroups` for the different categories. .. warning:: As of now there are not many categories. This might change in the future. """ key = "Gp" help_msg = """ Categorization of instructions feature. It can correspond to instructions subset (XMM, AES etc..), or more generic grouping like (arithmetic, comparisons etc..). Requires INSTR_GROUP capability. """.strip() required_capabilities = ProgramCapability.INSTR_GROUP
[docs] def visit_instruction( self, program: Program, instruction: Instruction, collector: FeatureCollector ) -> None: for key in instruction.groups: # Key should be a str, not an int returned by hash collector.add_dict_feature(self.key, { 1})