

class qbindiff.loader.backend.binexport.ProgramBackendBinExport(file: str, *, arch: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: AbstractProgramBackend

property callgraph: DiGraph

The callgraph of the program.

property capabilities: ProgramCapability

Returns the supported capabilities

property exec_path: str

Guess the raw binary name by removing the final .BinExport

property fun_names: dict[str, int]

Returns a dictionary with function name as key and the function address as value

property functions: Iterator[FunctionBackendBinExport]

Returns an iterator over backend function objects

property name

The name of the program.

property structures: list[Structure]

Returns the list of structures defined in program. WARNING: Not supported by BinExport


class qbindiff.loader.backend.binexport.FunctionBackendBinExport(program: ReferenceType[ProgramBackendBinExport], be_func: FunctionBinExport)[source]

Bases: AbstractFunctionBackend

property addr: Addr

The address of the function

property basic_blocks: Iterator[BasicBlockBackendBinExport]

Returns an iterator over backend basic blocks objects

property children: set[Addr]

Set of function children in the call graph

property graph: DiGraph

The Control Flow Graph of the function

is_import() bool[source]

True if the function is imported

property name

The name of the function.

property parents: set[Addr]

Set of function parents in the call graph

property type: FunctionType

The type of the function (as defined by IDA)

unload_blocks() None

Unload basic blocks from memory


class qbindiff.loader.backend.binexport.BasicBlockBackendBinExport(program: ReferenceType[ProgramBackendBinExport], be_block: BasicBlockBinExport)[source]

Bases: AbstractBasicBlockBackend

property addr: Addr

The address of the basic block

property bytes: bytes

Returns the bytes representation of the basic block

property instructions: Iterator[InstructionBackendBinExport]

Returns an iterator over backend instruction objects

property program: ProgramBackendBinExport

Wrapper on weak reference on ProgramBackendBinExport


class qbindiff.loader.backend.binexport.InstructionBackendBinExport(cs: Cs, cs_instruction: CsInsn)[source]

Bases: AbstractInstructionBackend

MAX_ID = 3000

Max instruction ID. All the instruction IDs will be in the range [0, MAX_ID]

property addr: Addr

The address of the instruction

property bytes: bytes

Returns the bytes representation of the instruction

property comment: str

Comment associated with the instruction

property groups: list[InstructionGroup]

Returns a list of groups of this instruction.

property id: int

Return the capstone instruction ID

property mnemonic: str

Returns the instruction mnemonic as a string

property operands: Iterator[OperandBackendBinExport]

Returns an iterator over backend operand objects

property pcode_ops: list[PcodeOp]

List of PcodeOp associated with the instruction. Provided with the PCODE capability

property references: dict[ReferenceType, list[Data | Structure | StructureMember]]

Returns all the references towards the instruction BinExport only exports data references’ address so no data type nor value.


class qbindiff.loader.backend.binexport.OperandBackendBinExport(cs: Cs, cs_instruction: CsInsn, cs_operand: Any, cs_operand_position: int)[source]

Bases: AbstractOperandBackend

is_immediate() bool[source]

Returns whether the operand is an immediate value (not considering addresses)

property type: OperandType

Returns the capstone operand type

property value: int | None

Return the immediate value (not addresses) used by the operand.