Source code for qbindiff.matcher.matcher

# Copyright 2023 Quarkslab
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.


# built-in imports
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

# Third-party imports
import numpy as np
from lapjv import lapjv  # type: ignore[import-not-found]
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, coo_matrix  # type: ignore[import-untyped]

# Local imports
from qbindiff.matcher.squares import find_squares  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from qbindiff.matcher.belief_propagation import BeliefMWM, BeliefQAP

    from import Iterator
    from qbindiff.types import Positive, Ratio, RawMapping, AdjacencyMatrix, Matrix, SimMatrix

def solve_linear_assignment(cost_matrix: Matrix) -> RawMapping:
    Solve the linear assignment problem given the cost_matrix

    :param: cost matrix
    :return: raw mapping

    n, m = cost_matrix.shape
    transposed = n > m
    if transposed:
        n, m = m, n
        cost_matrix = cost_matrix.T
    full_cost_matrix = np.zeros((m, m), dtype=cost_matrix.dtype)
    full_cost_matrix[:n, :m] = cost_matrix
    col_indices = lapjv(full_cost_matrix)[0][:n]
    if transposed:
        return col_indices, np.arange(n)
    return np.arange(n), col_indices

[docs] class Matcher: def __init__( self, similarity_matrix: SimMatrix, primary_adj_matrix: AdjacencyMatrix, secondary_adj_matrix: AdjacencyMatrix, ): self._mapping: RawMapping = None # nodes mapping #: Similarity matrix used by the Matcher self.sim_matrix = similarity_matrix #: Adjacency matrix of the primary graph self.primary_adj_matrix = primary_adj_matrix #: Adjacency matrix of the secondary graph self.secondary_adj_matrix = secondary_adj_matrix self._processed = False self.sparse_sim_matrix: SimMatrix | None = None self.squares_matrix: Matrix | None = None def _compute_sparse_sim_matrix(self, sparsity_ratio: Ratio, sparse_row: bool) -> None: """ Generate the sparse similarity matrix given the sparsity_ratio :param sparsity_ratio: ratio of least probable matches to ignore :param sparse_row: whether to use sparse rows :return: None """ sparsity_size = round(sparsity_ratio * self.sim_matrix.size) if sparsity_size == 0: # Keep the matrix as it is self.sparse_sim_matrix = csr_matrix(self.sim_matrix) return if sparsity_size == self.sim_matrix.size: # Empty matrix self.sparse_sim_matrix = csr_matrix(self.sim_matrix.shape, dtype=self.sim_matrix.dtype) return if sparse_row: sparsity_size = round(sparsity_ratio * self.sim_matrix.shape[1]) # Sort the similarity matrix columns and keep indexes of the sorted values sorted_indexes = np.argsort(self.sim_matrix, kind="stable") mask = [] for i in range(self.sim_matrix.shape[0]): # Replace all the discarded values with zeros self.sim_matrix[i, sorted_indexes[i, :sparsity_size]] = 0 # Append the mask for the current row mask.append(self.sim_matrix[i] > 0) self.sparse_sim_matrix = csr_matrix(mask, dtype=self.sim_matrix.dtype)[:] = self.sim_matrix[mask] # type: ignore else: # Sort the flattened similarity matrix and keep the indexes of the sorted values sorted_indexes = np.argsort(self.sim_matrix, axis=None, kind="stable") # Replace all the discarded values with zeros self.sim_matrix.flat[sorted_indexes[:sparsity_size]] = 0 # Create a mask mask = self.sim_matrix > 0 # type: ignore # Create the sparse matrix csr_data = self.sim_matrix[mask] self.sparse_sim_matrix = csr_matrix(mask, dtype=self.sim_matrix.dtype)[:] = csr_data # type: ignore def _compute_squares_matrix(self) -> None: """ Generate the sparse squares matrix and store it in self._squares_matrix. Given two graphs G1 and G2, a square is a tuple of nodes (nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, nodeD) such that all of the followings conditions are true: - nodeA and nodeD belong to G1 - nodeB and nodeC belong to G2 - (nodeA, nodeD) is a directed edge in G1 - (nodeB, nodeC) is a directed edge in G2 - (nodeA, nodeB) is a edge in the similarity matrix (non-zero score) - (nodeC, nodeD) is a edge in the similarity matrix (non-zero score) Note that the nodes are not necessarily different since (nodeX, nodeX) might be a valid edge. (A) <---sim_edge---> (B) | | |graph_edge | | graph_edge| v v (D) <---sim_edge---> (C) The resulting square matrix is stored as a csr_matrix of size NxN where N=#{similarity edge} Every similarity edge is given a unique increasing number from 0 to N and there is a square between two similarity edges `e1` and `e2` <=> (iff) self._squares_matrix[e1][e2] == 1 The time complexity is O(|sparse_sim_matrix| * average_graph_degree**2) """ # Use the fast Cython algorithm for efficiency self.squares_matrix = find_squares( self.primary_adj_matrix, self.secondary_adj_matrix, self.sparse_sim_matrix ) @property def mapping(self) -> RawMapping | None: """ Nodes mapping between the two graphs :returns: The raw mapping between the nodes in the two input graphs """ return self._mapping @property def confidence_score(self) -> list[float]: """ Confidence score for each match in the nodes mapping """ return [self._confidence[idx1, idx2] for idx1, idx2 in zip(*self.mapping)]
[docs] def process( self, sparsity_ratio: Ratio = 0.6, sparse_row: bool = False, compute_squares: bool = True ) -> None: """ Initialize the matching algorithm :param sparsity_ratio: The ratio between null element over the entire similarity matrix :param sparse_row: When building the sparse similarity matrix we can either filter out the elements by considering all the entries in the similarity matrix (sparse_row == False) or by considering each vector separately (sparse_row == True) :param compute_squares: Whether to compute the squares matrix """ if self._processed: # Only do it once return self._processed = True logging.debug( f"Computing sparse similarity matrix (ratio {sparsity_ratio} sparse_row {sparse_row})" ) self._compute_sparse_sim_matrix(sparsity_ratio, sparse_row) logging.debug( "Sparse similarity matrix computed," f" shape: {self.sparse_sim_matrix.shape}" # type: ignore f", nnz elements: {self.sparse_sim_matrix.nnz}" # type: ignore ) if compute_squares: logging.debug("Computing squares matrix") self._compute_squares_matrix() logging.debug( f"Squares matrix computed, shape: {self.squares_matrix.shape}" # type: ignore f", nnz elements: {self.squares_matrix.nnz}" # type: ignore )
[docs] def compute( self, tradeoff: Ratio = 0.75, epsilon: Positive = 0.5, maxiter: int = 1000 ) -> Iterator[int]: """ Launch the computation for a given number of iterations, using specific QBinDiff parameters :param tradeoff: tradeoff between the node similarity and the structure :param epsilon: perturbation to add to the similarity matrix :param maxiter: maximum number of iterations for the belief propagation :return: an iterator over each step of the belief propagation """ self.process() if tradeoff == 1:"[+] switching to Maximum Weight Matching (tradeoff is 1)") belief = BeliefMWM(self.sparse_sim_matrix, epsilon) else: belief = BeliefQAP(self.sparse_sim_matrix, self.squares_matrix, tradeoff, epsilon) for niter in belief.compute(maxiter): yield niter score_matrix = self.sparse_sim_matrix.copy() # type: ignore self._confidence = belief.current_marginals self._mapping = self.refine(belief.current_mapping, score_matrix)
[docs] def refine(self, mapping: RawMapping, score_matrix: SimMatrix) -> RawMapping: """ Refine the mappings between the nodes of the two graphs by matching the unassigned nodes :param mapping: initial mapping :param score_matrix: similarity matrix :return: updated raw mapping """ primary, secondary = mapping assert len(primary) == len(secondary) # All the nodes have been assigned if len(primary) == min(score_matrix.shape): return mapping primary_missing = np.setdiff1d(range(score_matrix.shape[0]), primary) secondary_missing = np.setdiff1d(range(score_matrix.shape[1]), secondary) score_matrix = score_matrix[primary_missing][:, secondary_missing] nnz_indices = score_matrix.nonzero() score_matrix = score_matrix.toarray() # Give the zero elements a high score lap_scores = np.full(score_matrix.shape, 1000000, dtype=score_matrix.dtype) # LAP solves solves for the minimum cost but high scores means good match lap_scores[nnz_indices] = -score_matrix[nnz_indices] primary_ass, secondary_ass = solve_linear_assignment(lap_scores) return np.hstack((primary, primary_missing[primary_ass])), np.hstack( (secondary, secondary_missing[secondary_ass]) )