# Copyright 2023 Quarkslab
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""BinExport backend loader
# builtin imports
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import weakref
from typing import Any, TypeAlias, TYPE_CHECKING
from collections.abc import Iterator
from functools import cached_property
# third-party imports
import capstone # type: ignore[import-untyped]
import binexport # type: ignore[import-untyped]
import binexport.types # type: ignore[import-untyped]
import networkx
# local imports
from qbindiff.loader.backend import (
from qbindiff.loader.backend.utils import convert_operand_type
from qbindiff.loader import Structure
from qbindiff.utils import log_once
from qbindiff.loader.types import (
from qbindiff.types import Addr
# Type aliases
beFunction: TypeAlias = binexport.function.FunctionBinExport
beBasicBlock: TypeAlias = binexport.basic_block.BasicBlockBinExport
capstoneOperand: TypeAlias = Any # Relaxed typing
# === General purpose utils functions ===
def _get_capstone_disassembler(binexport_arch: str, mode: int = 0):
def capstone_context(arch, mode):
context = capstone.Cs(arch, mode)
context.detail = True
return context
if binexport_arch == "x86-32":
return capstone_context(capstone.CS_ARCH_X86, capstone.CS_MODE_32 | mode)
elif binexport_arch == "x86-64":
return capstone_context(capstone.CS_ARCH_X86, capstone.CS_MODE_64 | mode)
elif binexport_arch == "ARM-32":
return capstone_context(capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM, mode)
elif binexport_arch == "ARM-64":
return capstone_context(capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM64, mode)
elif binexport_arch == "MIPS-32":
return capstone_context(capstone.CS_ARCH_MIPS, capstone.CS_MODE_32 | mode)
elif binexport_arch == "MIPS-64":
return capstone_context(capstone.CS_ARCH_MIPS, capstone.CS_MODE_64 | mode)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Architecture {binexport_arch} has not be implemented")
def is_same_mnemonic(mnemonic1: str, mnemonic2: str) -> bool:
"""Check whether two mnemonics are the same"""
def normalize(mnemonic: str) -> str:
if mnemonic == "ldmia":
return "ldm"
return mnemonic.replace("lo", "cc")
mnemonic1 = normalize(mnemonic1)
mnemonic2 = normalize(mnemonic2)
if mnemonic1 == mnemonic2:
return True
if len(mnemonic1) > len(mnemonic2):
mnemonic1, mnemonic2 = mnemonic2, mnemonic1
if mnemonic1 + ".w" == mnemonic2:
return True
return False
def parse_architecture_flag(arch_mode_str: str) -> capstone.Cs | None:
"""Return the capstone architecture corresponding to the string passed as parameter.
The format should be something like 'CS_ARCH_any:[CS_MODE_any, ...]"""
separator = ":"
# Replace trailing spaces
split = arch_mode_str.replace(" ", "").split(separator)
# Check for only one separator
if len(split) != 2:
return None
# Unpack arch and mode
arch_str, mode_str = split
arch = capstone.__dict__.get(arch_str)
if arch == None:
return None
mode = 0
# Look for one or more modes
for m in mode_str.split(","):
mode_attr = capstone.__dict__.get(m)
if mode_attr == None:
return None
# Capstone mode is a bitwise enum
mode |= mode_attr
# Arch and Mode are valid capstone attributes, instantiate Cs object
cs = capstone.Cs(arch, mode)
if cs:
# Enable details for operand
cs.detail = True
return cs
# =======================================
class OperandBackendBinExport(AbstractOperandBackend):
def __init__(
cs: capstone.Cs,
cs_instruction: capstone.CsInsn,
cs_operand: capstoneOperand,
cs_operand_position: int,
super(OperandBackendBinExport, self).__init__()
self.cs = cs
self.cs_instr = cs_instruction
self.cs_operand = cs_operand
self.cs_operand_position = cs_operand_position
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.cs_instr.op_str.split(",")[self.cs_operand_position]
def value(self) -> int | None:
Return the immediate value (not addresses) used by the operand.
if self.is_immediate():
return self.cs_operand.value.imm
return None
def type(self) -> OperandType:
"""Returns the capstone operand type"""
return convert_operand_type(self.cs.arch, self.cs_operand)
class InstructionBackendBinExport(AbstractInstructionBackend):
def __init__(self, cs: capstone.Cs, cs_instruction: capstone.CsInsn):
super(InstructionBackendBinExport, self).__init__()
self.cs = cs
self.cs_instr = cs_instruction
def addr(self) -> Addr:
return self.cs_instr.address
def mnemonic(self) -> str:
return self.cs_instr.mnemonic
def references(self) -> dict[ReferenceType, list[ReferenceTarget]]:
Returns all the references towards the instruction
BinExport only exports data references' address so no data type nor value.
return {} # Not supported
def operands(self) -> Iterator[OperandBackendBinExport]:
"""Returns an iterator over backend operand objects"""
if self.cs_instr is None:
return iter([])
return (
OperandBackendBinExport(self.cs, self.cs_instr, o, i)
for i, o in enumerate(self.cs_instr.operands)
def groups(self) -> list[InstructionGroup]:
Returns a list of groups of this instruction.
return list(map(InstructionGroup.from_capstone, self.cs_instr.groups))
def id(self) -> int:
"""Return the capstone instruction ID"""
return self.cs_instr.id
def comment(self) -> str:
return "" # Not supported
def bytes(self) -> bytes:
"""Returns the bytes representation of the instruction"""
return bytes(self.cs_instr.bytes)
class BasicBlockBackendBinExport(AbstractBasicBlockBackend):
def __init__(self, program: weakref.ref[ProgramBackendBinExport], be_block: beBasicBlock):
super(BasicBlockBackendBinExport, self).__init__()
self._program = program
self.be_block = be_block
def __len__(self) -> int:
The numbers of instructions in the basic block
return len(self.be_block)
def _guess_thumb_context(self, instr_bytes: bytes, mnemonic: str) -> int:
"""Guess wether the instruction is thumb or not"""
if len(instr_bytes) < 2: # Must be an error
raise ValueError(f"Instruction malformed of size {len(instr_bytes)} bytes.")
if len(instr_bytes) == 2: # Must be thumb
return capstone.CS_MODE_THUMB
# Might be either thumb or normal arm.
# There is no easy way of knowing whether a 4/8 bytes instruction is thumb or not
# and IDA sometimes likes to merge two instructions together (so two 4bytes thumb
# instructions might become a single 8bytes thumb instruction from IDA perspective).
# The only way of checking if the context is correct is by comparing the mnemonic
# of the capstone instruction with the one in BinExport.
# Of course we have to rely on heuristics to know whether the two mnemonics are the
# same or not.
f"Relying on heuristics to guess the context mode of the binary (thumb or not)",
# Save the original mode
arch = self.program.architecture_name
# Bruteforce-guessing the context
for capstone_mode in [capstone.CS_MODE_ARM, capstone.CS_MODE_THUMB]: # try both modes
# Disassemble the instruction and check the mnemonic
disassembler = _get_capstone_disassembler(arch, capstone_mode)
disasm = disassembler.disasm(instr_bytes, self.addr)
instr = next(disasm)
# Check if the mnemonic is the same
if is_same_mnemonic(instr.mnemonic, mnemonic):
return capstone_mode
except StopIteration:
# We have not being lucky
raise TypeError(
f"Cannot guess {self.program.name} ISA for the instruction at address {self.addr:#x} "
f"(consider setting it manually)"
def _disassemble(
self, bb_asm: bytes, correct_mnemonic: str, correct_size: int
) -> list[capstone.CsInsn]:
Disassemble the basic block using capstone trying to guess the instruction set
when unable to determine it from binexport.
:param bb_asm: basic block raw bytes
:param correct_mnemonic: The correct mnemonic of the first instruction of the
basic block
:param correct_size: The right size of the first instruction of the basic block
# Check if we already have a capstone context, if so use it
if self.program.cs:
return list(self.program.cs.disasm(bb_asm, self.addr))
# Continue with the old method
arch = self.program.architecture_name
capstone_mode = 0
# No need to guess the context for these arch
if arch in ("x86", "x86-64", "MIPS-32", "MIPS-64", "ARM-64"):
# For arm thumb use appropriate context guessing heuristics
elif arch == "ARM-32":
capstone_mode = self._guess_thumb_context(bb_asm[:correct_size], correct_mnemonic)
# Everything else not yet supported
raise NotImplementedError(f"The architecture {arch} is not yet supported in QBinDiff")
# Set the program wide disassembler
self.program.cs = _get_capstone_disassembler(arch, capstone_mode)
return list(self.program.cs.disasm(bb_asm, self.addr))
def program(self) -> ProgramBackendBinExport:
"""Wrapper on weak reference on ProgramBackendBinExport"""
if (program := self._program()) is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Trying to access an already expired weak reference on ProgramBackendBinExport"
return program
def addr(self) -> Addr:
return self.be_block.addr
def instructions(self) -> Iterator[InstructionBackendBinExport]:
"""Returns an iterator over backend instruction objects"""
# Generates the first instruction and use it to guess the context for capstone
first_instr = next(iter(self.be_block.instructions.values()))
capstone_instructions = self._disassemble(
self.be_block.bytes, first_instr.mnemonic, len(first_instr.bytes)
# Then iterate over the instructions
return (
InstructionBackendBinExport(self.program.cs, instr) for instr in capstone_instructions
def bytes(self) -> bytes:
return b"".join(x.bytes for x in self.instructions)
class FunctionBackendBinExport(AbstractFunctionBackend):
def __init__(self, program: weakref.ref[ProgramBackendBinExport], be_func: beFunction):
super(FunctionBackendBinExport, self).__init__()
self.be_func = be_func
self._program = program
def basic_blocks(self) -> Iterator[BasicBlockBackendBinExport]:
"""Returns an iterator over backend basic blocks objects"""
return (
BasicBlockBackendBinExport(self._program, bb)
for addr, bb in self.be_func.blocks.items()
def addr(self) -> Addr:
"""The address of the function"""
return self.be_func.addr
def graph(self) -> "networkx.DiGraph":
"""The Control Flow Graph of the function"""
return self.be_func.graph
def parents(self) -> set[Addr]:
"""Set of function parents in the call graph"""
return {func.addr for func in self.be_func.parents}
def children(self) -> set[Addr]:
"""Set of function children in the call graph"""
return {func.addr for func in self.be_func.children}
def type(self) -> FunctionType:
"""The type of the function (as defined by IDA)"""
f_type = self.be_func.type
if f_type == binexport.types.FunctionType.NORMAL:
return FunctionType.normal
elif f_type == binexport.types.FunctionType.LIBRARY:
return FunctionType.library
elif f_type == binexport.types.FunctionType.IMPORTED:
return FunctionType.imported
elif f_type == binexport.types.FunctionType.THUNK:
return FunctionType.thunk
elif f_type == binexport.types.FunctionType.INVALID:
return FunctionType.invalid
raise NotImplementedError(f"Function type {f_type} not implemented")
def name(self):
return self.be_func.name
def is_import(self) -> bool:
"""True if the function is imported"""
# Should we consider also FunctionType.thunk?
return self.type in (FunctionType.imported, FunctionType.extern)
class ProgramBackendBinExport(AbstractProgramBackend):
def __init__(self, file: str, *, arch: str | None = None):
self.be_prog = binexport.ProgramBinExport(file)
self.architecture_name = self.be_prog.architecture
self._fun_names: dict[str, Addr] = {} # {fun_name : fun_address}
self.cs = None
# Check if the architecture is set by the user
if arch:
# Parse the architecture
self.cs = parse_architecture_flag(arch)
if not self.cs:
raise Exception("Unable to instantiate capstone context from given arch: %s" % arch)
"No architecture set but BinExport backend is used. If invalid instructions"
" are found consider setting manually the architecture"
# self.cs will be set at basic block level
# self.cs = _get_capstone_disassembler(self.be_prog.architecture)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{type(self).__name__}:{self.name}>"
def functions(self) -> Iterator[FunctionBackendBinExport]:
"""Returns an iterator over backend function objects"""
functions = []
for addr, func in self.be_prog.items():
f = FunctionBackendBinExport(weakref.ref(self), func)
self._fun_names[f.name] = f.addr
return iter(functions)
def name(self):
return self.be_prog.name
def structures(self) -> list[Structure]:
Returns the list of structures defined in program.
WARNING: Not supported by BinExport
return [] # Not supported
def callgraph(self) -> "networkx.DiGraph":
return self.be_prog.callgraph
def fun_names(self) -> dict[str, int]:
Returns a dictionary with function name as key and the function address as value
return self._fun_names
def exec_path(self) -> str:
Guess the raw binary name by removing the final .BinExport
return self.name.replace(".BinExport", "")
def capabilities(self) -> ProgramCapability:
Returns the supported capabilities
return ProgramCapability.INSTR_GROUP