Source code for qbindiff.features.extractor

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"""Interface of the feature extractor

from __future__ import annotations
from scipy.sparse import lil_array  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from collections import defaultdict

from qbindiff.features.manager import FeatureKeyManager
from qbindiff.loader import Program, Function, BasicBlock, Instruction, Operand
from qbindiff.loader.types import ProgramCapability
from qbindiff.types import Positive, SparseVector, FeatureValue

[docs] class FeatureCollector: """ The FeatureCollector is in charge of aggregate all the features values so that it can compute the vector embedding. FeatureExtractor objects receive the collector as argument of the visit functions, and have to register theirs own result to it. The feature score can either be a number or a dict. """ def __init__(self): self._features: dict[str, FeatureValue] = {}
[docs] def get(self, key: str) -> FeatureValue | None: """ Returns the FeatureValue associated to a feature key, None if the feature key doesn't exists. :param key: Name of the feature to retrieve :return: The associated FeatureValue or None. """ return self._features.get(key)
[docs] def add_feature(self, key: str, value: float) -> None: """ Add a feature value in the collector. Features are responsible to call this function to register a value with its own name. :param key: name of the feature adding the value :param value: float value to be added in the collector """ FeatureKeyManager.add(key) if not isinstance(self._features.setdefault(key, 0), float | int): raise ValueError(f"Mixing float/int values with dict on feature {key}") self._features[key] += value # type: ignore[operator] # mypy not being smart enough
[docs] def add_dict_feature(self, key: str, value: dict[str, float]) -> None: """ Add a feature value in the collector if the value is a dictionary of string to float. :param key: name of the feature adding the value :param value: Feature value to add """ FeatureKeyManager.add(key) if not isinstance(self._features.setdefault(key, defaultdict(float)), dict): raise ValueError(f"Mixing immediate values (float/int) with dict on feature {key}") for k, v in value.items(): FeatureKeyManager.add(key, k) self._features[key][k] += v # type: ignore[index] # MyPy not smart enough
[docs] def feature_vector(self) -> dict[str, FeatureValue]: """ Show the feature vector in a dictionary fashion. :returns: The feature vector in a dictionary fashion {key : FeatureValue} """ return self._features.copy()
[docs] def full_keys(self) -> dict[str, set[str]]: """ Returns a dict in which keys are the keys of the features and values are the subkeys. If a Feature directly maps to a float value, the set will be empty. e.g: {feature_key1: [], feature_key2: [], ..., feature_keyN: [subkey1, ...], ...} :returns: dictionary mapping feature keys to their subkeys if any """ keys: dict[str, set[str]] = {} for main_key, feature in self._features.items(): keys.setdefault(main_key, set()) if isinstance(feature, dict): keys[main_key].update(feature.keys()) return keys
[docs] def to_sparse_vector(self, dtype: type, main_key_list: list[str]) -> SparseVector: """ Transform the collection to a sparse feature vector. :param dtype: dtype of the sparse vector :param main_key_list: A list of main keys that act like a filter: only those keys are considered when building the vector. :returns: The sparse feature vector for this collection of features """ manager = FeatureKeyManager size = manager.get_cumulative_size(main_key_list) vector = lil_array((1, size), dtype=dtype) offset = 0 for main_key in sorted(main_key_list): # Sort them to keep consistency if main_key not in self._features: offset += manager.get_size(main_key) continue if isinstance(self._features[main_key], dict): # with subkeys for subkey, value in self._features[main_key].items(): # type: ignore[union-attr] vector[0, offset + manager.get(main_key, subkey)] = value else: # without subkeys vector[0, offset] = self._features[main_key] offset += manager.get_size(main_key) return vector.tocsr()
class FeatureExtractorMeta(type): def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # Check if a local "help_msg" attribute has been defined in the class if "help_msg" not in cls.__dict__: cls.help_msg = cls.__doc__.strip()
[docs] class FeatureExtractor(metaclass=FeatureExtractorMeta): """ Base class that represent a feature extractor which sole contraints are to define a unique key and a function call that is to be called by the visitor. """ key: str = "" #: feature name (short) help_msg: str = "" #: CLI help message required_capabilities = ProgramCapability(0) #: By default there are no required capabilities def __init__(self, weight: Positive = 1.0): """ :param weight: weight to apply to this feature """ self._weight = weight @property def weight(self) -> Positive: """ Weight applied to the feature """ return self._weight @weight.setter def weight(self, value: Positive) -> None: """ Set the weight to the feature. :param value: weight value to set """ self._weight = value
[docs] class FunctionFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor): """ Function extractor feature. It inherits FeatureExtractor and defines the method :py:meth:`visit_function` that has to be implemented by all its inheriting classes. """
[docs] def visit_function( self, program: Program, function: Function, collector: FeatureCollector ) -> None: """ Function being called by the visitor when encountering a function in the program. Inheriting classes of the implement the feature extraction in this method. :param program: Program being visited :param function: Function object being visited :param collector: collector in which to save the feature value. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class BasicBlockFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor): """ Basic Block extractor feature. It inherits from FeatureExtractor and defines the method :py:meth:`visit_basic_block` that has to be implemented by all its inheriting classes. """
[docs] def visit_basic_block( self, program: Program, basicblock: BasicBlock, collector: FeatureCollector ) -> None: """ Function being called by the visitor when encountering a basic block in the program. Classes inheriting have to implement this method. :param program: program being visited :param basicblock: basic block being visited :param collector: collector in which to save the feature value """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class InstructionFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor): """ Instruction extractor feature. It inherits from FeatureExtractor and defines the method :py:meth:`visit_instruction` that has to be implemented by all its inheriting classes. """
[docs] def visit_instruction( self, program: Program, instruction: Instruction, collector: FeatureCollector ) -> None: """ Function being called by the visitor when encountering an instruction in the program. Classes inheriting have to implement this method. :param program: program being visited :param instruction: instruction being visited :param collector: collector in which to save the feature value """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class OperandFeatureExtractor(FeatureExtractor): """ Operand extractor feature. It inherits from FeatureExtractor and defines the method :py:meth:`visit_operand` that has to be implemented by all its inheriting classes. """
[docs] def visit_operand( self, program: Program, operand: Operand, collector: FeatureCollector ) -> None: """ Function being called by the visitor when encountering an operand in the program. Classes inheriting have to implement this method. :param program: program being visited :param operand: operand being visited :param collector: collector in which to save the feature value """ raise NotImplementedError()