Source code for binexport.program

from __future__ import annotations
import pathlib
import networkx
import weakref
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from binexport.binexport2_pb2 import BinExport2
from binexport.function import FunctionBinExport
from binexport.types import FunctionType
from binexport.utils import logger

    from binexport.types import Addr

[docs] class ProgramBinExport(dict): """ Program class that wraps the binexport with high-level functions and an easy to use API. It inherits from a dict which is used to reference all functions based on their address. """ def __init__(self, file: pathlib.Path | str): """ :param file: BinExport file path """ super(ProgramBinExport, self).__init__() self._pb = BinExport2() self.path: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(file) #: Binexport file path with open(file, "rb") as f: self._pb.ParseFromString( self.mask = 0xFFFFFFFF if self.architecture.endswith("32") else 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF self.fun_names: dict[str, FunctionBinExport] = {} #: dictionary function name -> name self.callgraph: networkx.DiGraph = networkx.DiGraph() #: program callgraph (as Digraph) # Make the data refs map {instruction index -> address referred} # dictionary of instruction index to set of refs self.data_refs: dict[int, set[Addr]] = defaultdict(set) for entry in self.proto.data_reference: self.data_refs[entry.instruction_index].add(entry.address) # Make the address comment (deprecated) self.addr_refs = {} for entry in self.proto.address_comment[::-1]: if entry.instruction_index in self.addr_refs: self.addr_refs[entry.instruction_index].append( self.proto.string_table[entry.string_table_index] ) else: self.addr_refs[entry.instruction_index] = [ self.proto.string_table[entry.string_table_index] ] # Make the string reference self.string_refs = {} for entry in self.proto.string_reference: self.string_refs[entry.instruction_index] = entry.string_table_index count_f = 0 coll = 0 # Load all the functions for i, pb_fun in enumerate(self.proto.flow_graph): f = FunctionBinExport(weakref.ref(self), pb_fun=pb_fun) if f.addr in self: logger.error(f"Address collision for 0x{f.addr:x}") coll += 1 self[f.addr] = f count_f += 1 count_imp = 0 # Load the callgraph cg = self.proto.call_graph for node in cg.vertex: if node.address not in self and node.type == cg.Vertex.IMPORTED: self[node.address] = FunctionBinExport( weakref.ref(self), is_import=True, addr=node.address ) count_imp += 1 if node.address not in self: logger.error(f"Missing function address: 0x{node.address:x} ({node.type})") continue self[node.address].type = FunctionType.from_proto(node.type) if node.demangled_name: self[node.address].name = node.demangled_name elif node.mangled_name: self[node.address].name = node.mangled_name for edge in cg.edge: src = cg.vertex[edge.source_vertex_index].address dst = cg.vertex[edge.target_vertex_index].address # Unsure that both src and dst exists (Sometimes SRE like Ghidra export function that doesn't exists) if src in self and dst in self: self.callgraph.add_edge(src, dst) self[src].children.add(self[dst]) self[dst].parents.add(self[src]) # Create a map of function names for quick lookup later on for f in self.values(): self.fun_names[] = f logger.debug( f"total all:{count_f}, imported:{count_imp} collision:{coll} (total:{count_f + count_imp + coll})" ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{type(self).__name__}:{}>"
[docs] @staticmethod def from_binary_file( exec_file: pathlib.Path | str, output_file: str | pathlib.Path = "", open_export: bool = True, override: bool = False, ) -> ProgramBinExport | bool: """ Generate the .BinExport file for the given program and return an instance of ProgramBinExport. .. warning:: That function requires the module ``idascript`` :param exec_file: executable file path :param output_file: BinExport output file :param open_export: whether or not to open the binexport after export :param override: Override the .BinExport if already existing. (default false) :return: an instance of ProgramBinExport if open_export is true, else boolean on whether it succeeded """ from idascript import IDA exec_file = pathlib.Path(exec_file) binexport_file = ( pathlib.Path(output_file) if output_file else pathlib.Path(str(exec_file) + ".BinExport") ) # If the binexport file already exists, do not want to override just return if binexport_file.exists() and not override: if open_export: return ProgramBinExport(binexport_file) else: return True ida = IDA( exec_file, script_file=None, script_params=[ "BinExportAutoAction:BinExportBinary", f"BinExportModule:{binexport_file}", ], ) ida.start() retcode = ida.wait() if retcode != 0 and not binexport_file.exists(): # Still continue if retcode != 0, because idat64 something crashes but still manage to export file logger.warning( f"{} failed to export [ret:{retcode}, binexport:{binexport_file.exists()}]" ) return False if binexport_file.exists(): return ProgramBinExport(binexport_file) if open_export else True else: logger.error(f"{exec_file} can't find binexport generated") return False
@property def proto(self) -> BinExport2: """ Returns the protobuf object associated to the program """ return self._pb @property def name(self) -> str: """ Return the name of the program (as exported by binexport) """ return self.proto.meta_information.executable_name @property def architecture(self) -> str: """ Returns the architecture suffixed with address size ex: x86_64, x86_32 """ return self.proto.meta_information.architecture_name