Source code for qbindiff.passes.base

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Standard passes

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterable
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING

from qbindiff.loader import Program
from qbindiff.visitor import ProgramVisitor
from qbindiff.features.manager import FeatureKeyManager
from qbindiff.passes.metrics import pairwise_distances
from qbindiff.utils import is_debug
from qbindiff.types import SimMatrix, Distance

    from import Iterator
    from qbindiff.features.extractor import FeatureExtractor, FeatureCollector
    from qbindiff.types import Addr, Idx

[docs] class FeaturePass: """ Run all the feature extractors previously registered and compute the similarity matrix """ def __init__(self, distance: Distance): """ :param distance: distance to compute the similarity of type :py:class:`qbindiff.types.Distance` """ self._default_distance = distance self._distances: dict[str, Distance] = {} self._visitor = ProgramVisitor() # These two attributes exist only to keep an access to the FeatureCollector for each function # Please note that **not** every the function might be present in the dictionary. self.primary_features: dict[Addr, FeatureCollector] = {} self.secondary_features: dict[Addr, FeatureCollector] = {}
[docs] def distance(self, key: str) -> Distance: """Returns the correct distance for the given feature key""" return self._distances.get(key, self._default_distance)
[docs] def register_extractor( self, extractor: FeatureExtractor, distance: Distance | None = None ) -> None: """ Register a feature extractor optionally specifying a distance to use. The class will be called when the visitor will traverse the graph. """ self._visitor.register_feature_extractor(extractor) if distance is not None: self._distances[extractor.key] = distance
def _create_feature_matrix( self, features: dict[Any, FeatureCollector], features_main_keys: list[str], node_to_index: dict[Any, int], shape: tuple[int, int], dtype: type, ): """ Utility function to generate the sparse feature matrix. It returns the sparse feature matrix where each row corresponds to a node and each column to a feature. If a node has no features it is converted to a zero vector. The mapping node_to_index will be used to map each node label to an index in the feature matrix. :param features: Dict of features {node : feature_collector} :param features_main_keys: List of all the features main keys :param node_to_index: Dict representing the mapping between nodes to indexes in the similarity matrix. {node : sim_index} :param shape: The shape of the sparse feature matrix :param dtype: dtype of the feature matrix """ feature_matrix = lil_matrix(shape, dtype=dtype) for node_label, feature in features.items(): vec = feature.to_sparse_vector(dtype, features_main_keys) feature_matrix[node_to_index[node_label]] = vec return feature_matrix.tocsr() def _compute_sim_matrix( self, shape: tuple[int, int], primary_features: dict[Any, FeatureCollector], secondary_features: dict[Any, FeatureCollector], primary_mapping: dict[Any, int], secondary_mapping: dict[Any, int], features_main_keys: list[str], distance: Distance, dtype: type, weights: Iterable[float] | None = None, ): """ Utility function that generate a similarity matrix given two collections of features only considering a subset of the features (specified by feature_keys). WARNING: Please note that it will calculate the distance even between nodes that have no features. The results should be subsequently discarded as they are not representative of the similarity between the two nodes. It returns the whole similarity matrix of the given shape. :param shape: The shape of the similarity matrix. It is zero initialized :param primary_features: Dict of features {node : feature_collector} :param secondary_features: Dict of features {node : feature_collector} :param primary_mapping: A mapping between function labels and indexes in the similarity matrix :param secondary_mapping: A mapping between function labels and indexes in the similarity matrix :param features_main_keys: List of all the features main keys to consider :param distance: The distance to use :param dtype: dtype of the similarity matrix :param weights: Optional weights """ # Find the dimension of the feature matrix dim = FeatureKeyManager.get_cumulative_size(features_main_keys) # Build the sparse feature matrices logging.debug(f"Building primary feature matrix of size {(shape[0], dim)}") primary_feature_matrix = self._create_feature_matrix( primary_features, features_main_keys, primary_mapping, (shape[0], dim), dtype, ) logging.debug( f"Sparse primary feature matrix computed, nnz element: {primary_feature_matrix.nnz}" ) logging.debug(f"Building secondary feature matrix of size {(shape[1], dim)}") secondary_feature_matrix = self._create_feature_matrix( secondary_features, features_main_keys, secondary_mapping, (shape[1], dim), dtype, ) logging.debug( f"Sparse secondary feature matrix computed, nnz element: {secondary_feature_matrix.nnz}" ) logging.debug(f"Calculating distance {distance}") # Generate the partial similarity matrix (only non empty rows and cols) if weights: sim_matrix = pairwise_distances( primary_feature_matrix, secondary_feature_matrix, metric=distance, w=weights, n_jobs=-1, ).astype(dtype) else: sim_matrix = pairwise_distances( primary_feature_matrix, secondary_feature_matrix, metric=distance, n_jobs=-1, ).astype(dtype) logging.debug("Distance calculated") # Normalize. Haussmann distance comes already normalized if distance != Distance.haussmann and len(sim_matrix) > 0 and sim_matrix.max() != 0: sim_matrix /= sim_matrix.max() sim_matrix[:] = 1 - sim_matrix return sim_matrix def __call__( self, sim_matrix: SimMatrix, primary: Program, secondary: Program, primary_mapping: dict[Addr, Idx], secondary_mapping: dict[Addr, Idx], fill: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[int]: """ Generate the similarity matrix by calculating the distance between the feature vectors. :param fill: if True the whole matrix will be erased before writing in it :returns: An iterator in the range [0, 1000] (used for tracking progress). """ # fill the matrix with -1 (not-set value) if fill: sim_matrix[:] = -1 reverse_primary_mapping = {idx: l for l, idx in primary_mapping.items()} reverse_secondary_mapping = {idx: l for l, idx in secondary_mapping.items()} # Do not extract features on functions that already have a similarity score ignore_primary = set() ignore_secondary = set() for i in range(sim_matrix.shape[0]): if -1 not in sim_matrix[i]: ignore_primary.add(reverse_primary_mapping[i]) for j in range(sim_matrix.shape[1]): if -1 not in sim_matrix[:, j]: ignore_secondary.add(reverse_secondary_mapping[j]) # Extract the features primary.set_function_filter(lambda label: label not in ignore_primary) secondary.set_function_filter(lambda label: label not in ignore_secondary) # Dirty hack to count the number of functions that pass the filter primary_count = 0 secondary_count = 0 for _ in primary.items(): primary_count += 1 for _ in secondary.items(): secondary_count += 1 # scale factor for the iterator scale = 1000 / (primary_count + secondary_count) key_fun = lambda *args: args[0][0] # ((label, node), iteration) # { node_label : FeatureCollector } In this case node_label is the function address primary_features: dict[Addr, FeatureCollector] = {} secondary_features: dict[Addr, FeatureCollector] = {} for i, (addr, collector) in enumerate(self._visitor.visit(primary, key_fun=key_fun)): primary_features[addr] = collector yield min(1000, round(scale * i)) for i, (addr, collector) in enumerate(self._visitor.visit(secondary, key_fun=key_fun)): secondary_features[addr] = collector yield min(1000, round(scale * (primary_count + i))) primary.set_function_filter(lambda _: True) secondary.set_function_filter(lambda _: True) # Populate it only when they are both filled self.primary_features = primary_features self.secondary_features = secondary_features # Get the weights of each feature f_weights = {} for extractor in self._visitor.feature_extractors: f_weights[extractor.key] = extractor.weight # Get all the keys and subkeys of the features # features_keys is a dict: {main_key: set(subkeys), ...} features_keys: dict[str, set[str]] = {} for features in (primary_features, secondary_features): for f_collector in features.values(): for main_key, subkey_list in f_collector.full_keys().items(): features_keys.setdefault(main_key, set()) if subkey_list: features_keys[main_key].update(subkey_list) # Build the similarity matrices separately for each main feature. # The linear combination is perfomed online to save precious memory. result_matrix = np.zeros_like(sim_matrix) simple_feature_keys = defaultdict(list) # {distance: [main_key, ...], ...} norm_coeff = 0 for main_key, subkeys in features_keys.items(): if subkeys: # Compute the similarity matrix for the current feature logging.debug(f"Computing similarity matrix for the feature {main_key}") tmp_sim_matrix = self._compute_sim_matrix( sim_matrix.shape, primary_features, secondary_features, primary_mapping, secondary_mapping, [main_key], self.distance(main_key), sim_matrix.dtype, ) result_matrix += f_weights[main_key] * tmp_sim_matrix del tmp_sim_matrix # Free the memory norm_coeff += f_weights[main_key] else: # It is a simple feature (no subkeys) simple_feature_keys[self.distance(main_key)].append(main_key) # Add the simple features similarity for distance, features in simple_feature_keys.items(): logging.debug( "Computing similarity matrix for the simple features " f"{features} using the distance {distance}" ) weights = tuple(f_weights[key] for key in features) tmp_sim_matrix = self._compute_sim_matrix( sim_matrix.shape, primary_features, secondary_features, primary_mapping, secondary_mapping, features, distance, sim_matrix.dtype, weights=weights, ) norm_weight = sum(weights) result_matrix += norm_weight * tmp_sim_matrix del tmp_sim_matrix # Free the memory norm_coeff += norm_weight # Normalize result_matrix /= norm_coeff # Overwrite the real similarity matrix for idx in map(lambda l: primary_mapping[l], ignore_primary): result_matrix[idx] = sim_matrix[idx] for idx in map(lambda l: secondary_mapping[l], ignore_secondary): result_matrix[:, idx] = sim_matrix[:, idx] sim_matrix[:] = result_matrix