Source code for qbindiff.loader.program

# Copyright 2023 Quarkslab
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from __future__ import annotations
from import MutableMapping
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from pathlib import Path

from qbindiff.abstract import GenericGraph
from qbindiff.loader import Function
from qbindiff.loader.types import LoaderType

    import networkx
    from networkx.classes.reportviews import OutEdgeView
    from import Callable, Iterator
    from qbindiff.loader import Structure
    from qbindiff.loader.backend.abstract import AbstractProgramBackend
    from qbindiff.loader.types import ProgramCapability
    from qbindiff.types import Addr

[docs] class Program(MutableMapping, GenericGraph): """ Program class that shadows the underlying program backend used. It is a :py:class:`MutableMapping`, where keys are function addresses and values are :py:class:`Function` objects. :param path: Path to the main file to load (depends on the underlying backend) :param loader: The loader type. If not provided, the loader is inferred from the path :param backend: Optional parameter to provide the object instance implementing the AbstractProgramBackend interface :param args: extra parameters passed to the Backend :param kwargs: extra parameters forwarded to the backend constructor The node label is the function address, the node itself is the :py:class:`Function` object """ def __init__( self, path: Path | str, *args, loader: LoaderType | None = None, backend: AbstractProgramBackend | None = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__() path = Path(path) # if a backend instance is directly provided use it if loader is None and backend is not None: self._backend = backend # Load directly from instanciated backend else: # Both loader and backend provided. Loader take precedence, warn the user. if backend is not None: logging.warning( f"Both backend and loader provided for program {path}." "The loader will take priority and the backend will be ignored." ) # Try to infer it if loader is None: if path.suffix.casefold() == ".Quokka".casefold(): loader = LoaderType.quokka elif path.suffix.casefold() == ".BinExport".casefold(): loader = LoaderType.binexport # Match the resulting loader if loader == LoaderType.ida: from qbindiff.loader.backend.ida import ProgramBackendIDA self._backend = ProgramBackendIDA(*args, **kwargs) elif loader == LoaderType.binexport: from qbindiff.loader.backend.binexport import ProgramBackendBinExport self._backend = ProgramBackendBinExport(str(path), *args, **kwargs) elif loader == LoaderType.quokka: from qbindiff.loader.backend.quokka import ProgramBackendQuokka self._backend = ProgramBackendQuokka(str(path), *args, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Loader: {loader} not implemented") self._filter = lambda x: True self._functions: dict[Addr, Function] = {} # underlying dictionary containing the functions self._load_functions()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_binexport(file_path: str, arch: str | None = None) -> Program: """ Load the Program using the binexport backend :param file_path: File path to the binexport file :param arch: Architecture to pass to the capstone disassembler. This is useful when the binexport'ed architecture is not enough to correctly disassemble the binary (for example with arm thumb2 or some mips modes). :return: Program instance """ return Program(file_path, arch=arch, loader=LoaderType.binexport)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_quokka(file_path: str, exec_path: str) -> Program: """ Load the Program using the Quokka backend. :param file_path: File path to the binexport file :param exec_path: Path of the raw binary :return: Program instance """ return Program(file_path, exec_path=exec_path, loader=LoaderType.quokka)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_ida() -> Program: """ Load the program using the IDA backend :return: Program instance """ return Program("", loader=LoaderType.ida)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_backend(backend: AbstractProgramBackend) -> Program: """ Load the Program from an instanciated program backend object """ return Program("", backend=backend)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<Program:%s>" % def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Function]: """ Iterate over all functions located in the program, using the filter registered. :return: Iterator of all the functions """ yield from self._functions.values() def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._functions) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._functions.__getitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._functions.__setitem__(key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): self._functions.__delitem__(key) def _load_functions(self) -> None: """Load the functions from the backend""" for function in map(Function.from_backend, self._backend.functions): self[function.addr] = function
[docs] def items(self) -> Iterator[tuple[Addr, Function]]: # type: ignore[override] """ Iterate over the items. Each item is {address: :py:class:`Function`} :returns: A :py:class:`Iterator` over the functions. Each element is a tuple (function_addr, function_obj) """ # yield function only if filter agree to keep it yield from filter(lambda i: self._filter(i[0]), self._functions.items())
[docs] def get_node(self, node_label: Addr) -> Function: """ Get the function identified by the address ``node_label`` :param node_label: the address of the function that will be returned :returns: the function identified by its address """ return self[node_label]
@property def node_labels(self) -> Iterator[Addr]: """ Iterate over the functions' address :returns: An :py:class:`Iterator` over the functions' address """ yield from filter(self._filter, self._functions.keys()) @property def nodes(self) -> Iterator[Function]: """ Iterate over the functions :returns: An :py:class:`Iterator` over the functions """ yield from self.__iter__() @property def edges(self) -> OutEdgeView[tuple[Addr, Addr]]: """ Iterate over the edges. An edge is a pair (addr_a, addr_b) :returns: An :py:class:`OutEdgeView` over the edges. """ return self.callgraph.edges @property def name(self) -> str: """ Returns the name of the program as defined by the backend """ return @property def structures(self) -> list[Structure]: """ Returns the list of structures defined in program """ return self._backend.structures @property def exec_path(self) -> str | None: """ The executable path if it has been specified, None otherwise """ return self._backend.exec_path
[docs] def set_function_filter(self, func: Callable[[Addr], bool]) -> None: """ Filter out some functions, to ignore them in later processing. .. warning: The filter only apply for __iter__, items functions and callgraph property. Accessing functions through the dictionary does not apply the filter :param func: function take the function address (the node label) and returns whether or not to keep it. """ self._filter = func
@property def callgraph(self) -> networkx.DiGraph: """ The function callgraph with a Networkx DiGraph """ cg = self._backend.callgraph funcs = list(self) # functions already filtered return cg.subgraph([x.addr for x in funcs])
[docs] def get_function(self, name: str) -> Function: """ Returns the function by its name :param name: name of the function :return: the function """ return self[self._backend.fun_names[name]]
[docs] def follow_through(self, to_remove: Addr, target: Addr) -> None: """ Replace node `to_remove` with a follow-through edge from every parent of the node with the node `target`. Example : ``{ parents } -> (to_remove) -> (target)`` ``--> { parents } -> (target)`` :param to_remove: node to remove :param target: targe node :return: None """ func = self[to_remove] self.pop(to_remove) for p_addr in list(func.parents): # Remove edges self[p_addr].children.remove(to_remove) func.parents.remove(p_addr) self._backend.callgraph.remove_edge(p_addr, to_remove) # Add follow-through edge self[p_addr].children.add(target) self[target].parents.add(p_addr) self._backend.callgraph.add_edge(p_addr, target) for c_addr in list(func.children): # Remove edges func.children.remove(c_addr) self[c_addr].parents.remove(to_remove) self._backend.callgraph.remove_edge(to_remove, c_addr) self._backend.callgraph.remove_node(to_remove)
[docs] def remove_function(self, to_remove: Addr) -> None: """ Remove the node ``to_remove`` from the Call Graph of the program. **WARNING**: The follow-through edges from the parents to the children are not added. Example : ``{ parents } -> (to_remove) -> { children }`` ``--> { parents } { children }`` :param to_remove: function_to_remove :return: None """ func = self[to_remove] self.pop(to_remove) for p_addr in list(func.parents): # Remove edges self[p_addr].children.remove(to_remove) func.parents.remove(p_addr) self._backend.callgraph.remove_edge(p_addr, to_remove) for c_addr in list(func.children): # Remove edges func.children.remove(c_addr) self[c_addr].parents.remove(to_remove) self._backend.callgraph.remove_edge(to_remove, c_addr) self._backend.callgraph.remove_node(to_remove)
@property def capabilities(self) -> ProgramCapability: """ Returns the underlying backend capabilities """ return self._backend.capabilities